Hotel Honigmond
estiloCom carácter
Prices for this hotel are shown as estimates (minimum to maximum). They change regularly depending on a number of factors, including availability, so please check availability to get your best up to date rates.
The name Honigmond is a play on words that can be literally translated as “honeymoon” and that’s an operative word for describing this enchanting family run hotel. It is not overtly sumptuous or luxurious, but it is romantic in the classical sense, from the attractive turn of the century “Belle Epoque” facade to the renovated interior, reminiscent of an English country house – colonial type furniture, stucco ceilings, chandeliers, frescoes - all beautifully thought and well positioned, as if ready to be painted by a master craftsman.
Talking about works of art, the hotel corridor is also affectionately nicknamed "the gallery". It holds reproductions of famous oil paintings and there seems to be a lot of “ohs” and “ahs” as guests come across them for the first time. This surprise sets the scene for the rest of the stay here.
The garden is another of the Honigmond’s delights - well kept and ample, it is a great place to relax and it is even home to some friendly rabbits. The restaurant is also famous for its local and international cuisine and well worth a try.
As for the rooms, the only drawback here is that a small number do not have a private bath (you can, of course, choose what type you want when booking and they are cheaper) but they are all comfortable with excellent mattresses, wooden floors and stucco.
Want another reason to stay here? Well, it is located in a peaceful street side street in Berlin Mitte, minutes from Alexanderplatz and Hackescher Markt district. Nightlife abounds and there are many bars and restaurants to choose from.
Bom Saber
- Aquecimento central
- Elevador
- Terminal de Internet
- Internet WiFi
- Sala de reuniões
- Estacionamento
- Restaurante
- Visa, Mastercad aceites
- Internet WiFi
- Televisão
- Baby sitting
- Imprensa diária
- Cabeleireiro
- Serviço de Lavandaria
- Bicicletas
Transporte / Distancias
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